7 Nov 2006

Hallelujah & Praise God: More Groovy Record Covers!

Good for you. Take it where you can get it... even from fat, childlike freaks.

I can certainly smell it...

A band apart...

Someone else is about to get lucky... too late. Shot off on the court.

A rarity. The first example of Zombie Gospel.

It'll never catch on. Never. How gay is that Dog? Have their faces been altered to protect the innocent? Are all gays so two-dimensional?

But not too slowly...

Revenge of the Zombie Gospel. Sounds like Jesus will need a change of pants.

Spreading God's good word... about perverts.

I think this guy's gonna get raptured too.

Tooth Decay or Punch In The Mouth from a world class boxer? Explains the gap toothed look so popular in the seventies.

Gospel Singers and their erections.

Good News! Even brain damaged, habitual drug users can become Preachers of the Faith!

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