The coolest Rock Guitar God with the mis-spelled name, Jimi Hendrix will probably be best remembered for his incendiary Woodstock Show ("Stay away from the brown liqorice, I mean acid, man) rather than his hot licks in the aptly named track 'Fire'.
Jimi didn't have the coolest Rock Guitar God death though, simply choosing to extend his forty winks after taking sleeping pills at a party. Not the burning car wreck, or screaming plane across the sky for Jimi, but a quiet Coda as he slumbered on his big Afro-sized pillow.
The only guitarist I know to name an album after his favourite Mexican/Haiti fusion dish, Voodoo Chile, we could have done with him being around to croon some other culinary marvels to us for a bit longer.
Jimi Hendrix 27 November 1942 - 18 September 1970
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